Trova i tuoi migliori ristoranti e bar in Son Bou

La nostra directory dei ristoranti che include i nostri consigli all'interno e nelle vicinanze di Son Bou ( in 1.5 k.m ) < usa xlink :href='#svg-icon-info'>

Guida ai ristoranti di Son Bou
Buono a sapersi sui ristoranti

La terra vulcanica di Minorca fa davvero la differenza nel gusto delle verdure coltivate localmente: i ristoranti che possono mettere in mostra ingredienti di provenienza locale si distingueranno per il loro sapore.

Guida al ristorante Son Bou

Son Bou has a range of Restaurants including formal and less formal , with fixed price menus and a la carte options. Like most Menorca beach resorts it caters more for tourists than local cuisine

The resort caters for a wide range of tastes and price ranges. There are many places offering basic meals, we just list notable restaurants. Something special to celebrate? - try Es Forn up on the hill ( Taxi ride required).

Recommended Restaurants

Restaurant Cuisine Style
Andreas Spanish,Mediterranean Basic
Es Bruc - Son Bou Spanish,Mediterranean Simple Modern
Es Forn de Torre Soli Nou Mediterranean, Spanish ( meat speciality ) Farmhouse/Outdoor

Elenco dei ristoranti a Son Bou

Variety of Bars, differing clientle and some with live Music

Buddha - lounge

Son Bou Bars

Chill out lounges - Buddha Cafe bar and three beach bars offer sunset drinks sipping enjoyment.

Late night (music Bars) Buddha Cafe

Cocktail Bars - La Roca, Mai-Tai and Hawian Bar

Sports bars - Kit-Kat Bar ( english football )

If you are looking for more nightlife sophistication and choice visit Mahon

cafe and bars Son Bou

Mai Tai


cafe and bars Son Bou

Es Corb Marí Xiringuito

cafe and bars Son Bou

Ses Garces


Informazioni utili. per Son Bou

Taxis Son Bou

Vacanze Son Bou

Cosa fare a Son Bou