Cala Presli Spiaggia, mappa e guida Minorca - TUTTO quello che devi sapere
Spesso mostriamo foto della spiaggia di alta stagione e di inizio stagione per contrasto.

Tutto su Cala Presli Beach e le nostre opinioni

Part of a large horseshoe bay,the two sections on Cala Presili beach are separated by a rocky outcrop of cliff which also is the only place that may provide shade.The

Cala Presili, is a long walk from Favaritx lighthouse car parking areas. Access by car is not possible June to end of September - use Beach Bus from Mahon bus station, Scooter or Bicycle.

Two bays with views out to the Light House - see Photos

Beach Bus L43 MAÓ – FAVARITX

30-50 ( Cala Tortuga ) minute walk from Favàritx ( Lighthouse ) parking area

Strutture balneari

Car Parking
Apto para niños pequeños y bebés

Spiaggia / Platja Cala Presli Buono a sapersi

Zonas nudistas
yes in the outer edges
Beach Bus
43 From Mahon Bus station to Favàritx 7 Eur return June - to End of September - tickets in advance
Categoría de acceso a la playa



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Cala Presli posizione e accesso alla spiaggia

Aiuta a mantenere le spiagge incontaminate: porta una borsa, porta via la spazzatura

Visita la spiaggia di Cala Presli lungo il Camí de Cavalls

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