Find your Best Restaurants and Bars in Es Grau

Our restaurant directory including our recommendations in and near to Es Grau

Es Grau Restaurants Guide
Good to Know about Restaurants & Bars in

Menorca's earth really makes a difference to the taste of locally grown vegetables - restaurants who can show locally sourced ingredients will stand out in flavour.

Restaurant Guide Es Grau

See Interactive Map for locations- note - we have no connection to these bars and restaurants and they are just a guide.


There are just three Bar Restaurnats and a single Restaurant but the quality and traditional is good as they also serve the local community rather than just tourist visitors.

Recommended Restaurants on Menorca

Restaurant Cuisine Style
Tamarind Spanish Traditional Waterside


No Music Bars

Can Bernat

Restaurants Directory Es Grau

Restaurants Mahon - Mao

Restaurante L'Avi Bernadet

Menu Price Range:
from 20€ - 30€
Restaurants Es Grau

Restaurante Bar Tamarindos

Menu Price Range:
from 30€ - 40€
Restaurants Es Grau


Restaurant Style:
Contemporary City, Artisano
Sea Views, Outside Terrace, Harbour Views
Menu Price Range:
from 20€ - 30€
Menorquina, International, Mediterranean
Fresh and light, outside , inside seating. Waterside views

The three simple bars cater to the local residents and the daytime tourists

Useful info. for Es Grau

Taxis in Es Grau

Holidays in Es Grau

What to do in Es Grau