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Good to Know

Not everyone is familiar with Coeliac disease or the gluten-free diet and even those who are familiar with it may not be as knowledgeable as you.

Celiac = 'Celíacos' in Spanish.

FACE is the Spanish Coeliac organisation and publish a list of safe for coeliacs products as well as other info for Spanish market.

Spanish Celiacs website

Products for Diabetics, Celiacs and Lactose Intolerant

What to look for in Shops and Supermarkets

Diabetics are generally well catered for in resort supermarkets - look for 'Sin Azucar' on the packaging. Variations of the 'no wheat' logoGluten Free will indicate gluten free or 'Sin Gluten'.

Lactrose free, soya and almond milk is available though you might have to hunt around in the smaller Menorcan beach resorts. Larger supermarkets stock products below.


Most menorcan beach resorts are seasonal/non residential so the supermarkets carry a small line of products. Asturiana is a major brand in many supermarkets who offer Soya and Almond based milk ( major Supermarkets with such products on menorcaEroski, Mercadona in Ciutadella/Mahon ) Gullon produce several gluten free product ranges.

If you are mobile, Menorcan towns will increasignly have a specialist health food shop ( eg in Es Castell ) offering an extensice rane for all dietry requirements.

Celiacs and Restauarants

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Let the waiter know that you are coeliac ( “celiaca” is Spanish ) and that you need to follow a gluten-free diet - easier said than done we know! Restaurants don't always know about coeliac disease or gluten issues so "sin pan, sin harina" is often more useful than "sin gluten" or "celiaca".

Gluten FreeGluten free menu options ( in Spanish Sin Gluten ) are available on menus however if in doubt download and take the handy spanish celiac card with you. However the gluten free symbol is not so often seen on restaurrants menus

Vegetarian diets are covered in our more comprehensive vegetarian restaurants guide

GOOD FB group with live list of restaurants/shops etc

English Spanish
I’m coeliac Yo soy celiaco
I cannot eat things that contain wheat, rye, barley or oats. No puedo comer productos que tengan como ingrediente: trigo, centeno, cebada o avena
Does this dish contain wheat, rye, barley, or oats? Esta comida contiene trigo, centeno, cebada o avena?
I can eat dishes with rice, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, eggs, cheese, milk, and fish. Puedo comer alimentos que contengan arroz, patatas, verduras y frutas, huevos, queso, leche y pescado
Gracias por su ayuda Thank you for your help!

Discuss the menu items that you think might be suitable for you. Don’t be afraid to ask about ingredients and how the dish is prepared. There are gluten-free dishes that can be found on the great majority of menus in restaurants (salads, grilled fish and meat, egg omelets, homemade desserts, fruit, etc). Just ask a few questions to make sure about the ingredients and preparation.

Also ask for a clean fry pan when ordering a grilled dish. Sometimes flour is sprinkled on the normal grilling surface to keep things from sticking, and this represents a clear danger for cross contamination.