Bus Network

Good to Know

There are no train services or motorways on Menorca. A single main road along the centre of the island defines routes!.

Es Migjorn Gran - Bus Network
Network Map download

...the road network Map download preserves the island's natural beauty especially along the coast where few roads exist

Es Migjorn Gran's bus service operates all year

  • No Direct bus from/to Mahon Airport
  • Services are reliable, cheap and comfortable but longer Journeys/transfers need pre-planning
  • Single Tickets and cash only to Bus driver

See Bus Travel FAQ for details

Good to Know

NO Direct bus from/to Mahon Airport. Your options? Es Migjorn Gran bus and Menorca Airport

Want to be sure with a pre-booked transfer ? Es Migjorn Gran transfers Mahon Airport

Menorca Airport Bus

Es Migjorn Gran Bus Timetables

Bus Lines @ Es Migjorn Gran

Bus Stops - road names on Es Migjorn Gran on Downloadable Network mapPDF

Mahon will mostly be written on timetables, front of buses and signposts as Maó, it's local name. If you are staying longer than a week take a trip on this good network and see some of the other sights, resorts/towns and attractions.

Bus, Taxi and Hire Car - Detailed getting about info.

There are regular bus services ( no. 71 ) to the beach resort of Santo Tomas and inland to Alaior and Mahon (Mao). No. 72 is less frequent departing to Es Mercadal, Ferreries and Ciutadella and to the coast for Santo Tomas. Jouney Time between Es Migorn Gran and  Santo Tomas is 15m.

Daily Bus stops at Appartments Vistamar,Hotel Lord Nelson,Hotel Victoria Playa


no. 71 : Santo Thomas - Es Migjorn Gran - Alaior - Mahon

  • 08:50 11:05 13:05 16:05 18:20 20:20 Mon - sat
  • 08:50 11:50 14:50 19:05 Sun Public Holidays
  • no. 71 : Mahon - Alaior - Es Migjorn Gran - Santo Thomas

  • 08:00 10:15 12:30 15:15 17:30 19:45 Mon - Sat
  • 08:15 11:15 14:15 18:30 Sun Public Holidays
  • Daily Bus stops at Appartments Vistamar,Hotel Lord Nelson,Hotel Victoria Playa

    Tips: Ciutadella market days fri and sat mornings

    no. 72 : Santo Thomas - Es Migjorn Gran - Es Mercadal - Ferreries - Ciutadella

  • 08:35 10:50 13:20 15:50 18:05 20:35 Mon - sat
  • 08:45 12:15 15:55 19:05 Sun Public Holidays
  • no. 72 : Ciutadella - Ferreries - Es Mercadal - Es Migjorn Gran - Santo Thomas

  • 08:00 10:15 12:30 15:15 17:30 19:45 Mon - Sat
  • 08:10 11:40 15:10 18:30 Sun Public Holidays
  • Places to visit by Bus

    Es Mercadal

    Es Mercadal is a small town in the centre of the island, with rustic whitewashed houses lining pretty narrow streets. It lies at the base to Monte Toro, Menorcas' highest 'mountain' (357 m). On top there are viewing areas and a small pleasant cafeteria with small outside terrace. From up here there are excellent views of the whole island - upto the bay at Fornells ,the northern coast and the rolling hills of the island's centre.

    Moli des Reco
    Menorca Tips

    Es Mercadal is also a Gastronomy and Restaurant oasis, with a range from simple to fine dining but the quality in every price range is very good. "Centre Artesanal de Menorca" is located here too and is the crafts center of Menorca showcasing traditional and comtemporary crafts.

    Es Mercadal

    Santa Marti Church
    Main Street
    Es Mercadal
    Windmill & Restaurant
    Typical Es Mercadal
    Typical Es Mercadal


    Is a traditional island town occupying a beautiful location and providing a dramatic moment for all drivers as the main island road ME-1 meanders through a very picturesque and narrow gap in the hills. Ferreries is surrounded by beautiful hills and countryside and spectacular valleys ( Barranc d'Algendar ) and history. A great start point for scenic walks,cycling and horse riding. Two Horse shows just outside town.

    Menorca Holiday Tips

    Every Saturday 9-1 pm there is a small farmers and craft market in Placa Espanya ( main town square ) with fresh farm produce, fruit and handicrafts including ceramics and basket crafts. At the Poligno there is a Jaime Mascaro factory outlet offering high quality leathers goods at reduced prices which are sold mostly in French, Italian and German boutiques.


    Bus Timetables

    Boat trips - Hotel Pickups possible

    Bus Timetables

    Menorca Experiences - eg. Binibeca Vell

    Bus Timetables

    Day trips Ciutadella

    Bus Timetables

    Majorca Shopping trips

    other Day Trip Ideas

    Menorca is a small island so you can pack in a full day Trip from your holiday resort. Experience the coastline by boat,do some Watersports....

    Book now,limited places Book now,limited places

    FAQ Es Migjorn Gran Buses , Times and Connections

    Seasonal Bus routes from Beach Resorts to Mahon and Ciutadella. Otherwise probably a change to nearest local town on the ME-1 Bus Travel Guide

    Yes but some timetables are seasonable most services run ~ May 1 - Mid Oct Es Migjorn Gran's' bus routes,fares and timetables

    yes,including some natural virgin beaches

    Depends on you start location....

    Virgin beaches by Bus Menorca Virgin beaches Buses

    Beach Directory with bus routes beach Directory

    Prices are very good using modern air conditioned buses. Tickets from 1,75 Eur to most expensive at 6 Eur ( ~ 40km! ) Bus Travel Guide

    Not direct but it's possible, but cumbersome/timeconsuming via Mahon Bus Station Es Migjorn Gran transfers made easy

    Airport Bus to Es Migjorn Gran?