Menorca - locations map

Find Bars and Restaurants as well as Places of Interest, locals sights and activities , beach locations. Everything to plan your perfect holiday stay in Menorca.

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All of Menorca on a map

Menorca location - good to know

Menorca is about intact nature ( 40% is protected ) Relaxed outdoors Holiday life. Menorca is different, a beach paradise close to home not over run with skylines of ugly hotels and loud bars. It's a place that allows you to have fun, relaxation and mediteranean flair all without many of the compromises you find in so many other holiday destinations.

Our personal Guide to Menorca

Airport 0 miles / 0 km
Direct Transfer 0 Hrs. mins.
All Transfer Options eg Shared Shuttle from 12 Eur pp or Taxi max. 4 pers. 0 Eur , Public Airport Bus - none!

Bus Service all year

Around Menorca