Fornells - locations map

Find Bars and Restaurants as well as Places of Interest, locals sights and activities , beach locations. Everything to plan your perfect holiday stay in Fornells.

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All of Fornells on a map

Fornells location - good to know

Not to be confused with Playa d'en Fornells, this is a quieter authentic Menorca location set around a pretty palm tree lined harbour with views out across the bay to a far shore untouched by any buildings. Fornells is a fisherman's village that has become the main place for sail based water sports and specialist fish restaurants for the island.

Our personal Guide to Fornells

Airport 19 miles / 30 km
Direct Transfer 0 Hrs. mins.
All Transfer Options eg Shared Shuttle from 12 Eur pp or Taxi max. 4 pers. 42 Eur , Public Airport Bus - none!

Bus Service all year

Around Fornells